In addition to his programme management skills, Ian has the breadth of vision to understand the broader business context in which he is operating and to therefore make more appropriate decisions and recommendations. He has undertaken some difficult tasks and yet remained calm under pressure. Recommended!
I had the pleasure of working with Ian during which time I found him thoroughly engaging. Ian possesses a natural ability to understand the bigger picture – and the detail within, and behind it.
He combines these abilities to rapidly build rapport with his team and the Client, and fully engages all with whom he interacts, quickly establishing himself as a coach, mentor and a much respected manager. I gladly recommend Ian and hope that I will have the honour and pleasure of working with him again in the future.
Ian has a management style that in the pressurised environment we sometimes have to work in, is relatively unique, and impressed me greatly. Ian has the ability to understand people, proactively respond sympathetically – and bring the best out in them. His outwardly relaxed style belies a tenacity to get the job done, whilst at no time displaying any of the pressures he faces from internal and external sources. As a manager Ian has my full recommendation.